North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization | est 1984

Under yellow foliage

Ten-Year Strategy for NASCO

Within the next 10 years, NASCO’s goal is to prioritise and drive actions necessary to slow the decline of wild Atlantic salmon populations and demonstrate that restoration is possible. In...

Re-accession of Iceland to the NASCO Convention

On 23 January 2024, Iceland re-acceded to the NASCO Convention, becoming the eighth contracting Party to NASCO. Iceland deposited its instrument of ratification of the Convention for the Conservation of...

NASCO Annual Meeting 2024

The Forty-First Annual Meeting of NASCO will be held in Westport, Ireland during 3 – 7 June 2024. Invitations have now been issued and meeting details can be found on...

Revised Implementation Plans

Each NASCO jurisdiction develops Implementation Plans detailing measures to be taken by Parties over five year periods in relation to NASCO’s areas of concern for salmon. We received some newly...

Conclusion of the First Meeting of the WGFON

The first meeting of the Working Group on the Future of NASCO (WGFON) was held in Brussels last week, with delegates from across the Atlantic convening both virtually and in...

SMOLTrack Projects

Scientists from the SMOLTrack Projects have returned from a successful fieldtrip to Greenland. The work aims to answer a suite of important research questions, including the speed and duration of...

Norway – Annual Progress Report Highlight

Excerpt from the Report of the Meeting of the Implementation Plan / Annual Progress Report Review Group for the Review of Annual Progress Reports under the Third Cycle of Reporting...

Canada – Annual Progress Report Highlight

Excerpt from the Report of the Meeting of the Implementation Plan / Annual Progress Report Review Group for the Review of Annual Progress Reports under the Third Cycle of Reporting...