North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization | est 1984

NASCO Observers

NASCO Observers

NASCO seeks to operate in a transparent, inclusive and collaborative manner. Inter-Governmental Organizations, States not Party to the Convention, accredited Indigenous Peoples’ representatives and institutions (IPRIs) and accredited Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) may all be observers to NASCO. The Terms and Conditions governing observers have been updated in 2024 to support observers in named categories to attend NASCO meetings.

Terms and Conditions for Observers at NASCO Meetings

New Terms and Conditions for Observers at NASCO Meetings were agreed in 2024. These conditions apply to Inter-Governmental Organizations, States not Party to the Convention, accredited Indigenous Peoples’ representatives and institutions (IPRIs) and accredited Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).

Inter-Governmental Organizations

The following Inter-Governmental Organizations are invited to the NASCO Annual Meeting each year:

European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisor Commission (EIFAAC)
International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)
International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR)
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO)
North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (NPAFC)
North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC)
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO)
OSPAR Commission

States Not Party to the Convention

These Terms and Conditions apply to representatives from States not Party to the Convention, with coastlines bordering the Convention Area as defined in Article I of the Convention, or those States not Party to the Convention, who are States of origin of Atlantic salmon, who prosecute fisheries for Atlantic salmon, and / or whose conservation and management activities are of interest to NASCO or vice versa.

Currently France (in respect of St Pierre and Miquelon), a State not Party to the Convention, is the only observer under this category that attends NASCO’s Annual Meetings.

Indigenous Peoples’ Representatives and Institutions

Indigenous Peoples’ representatives and institutions (IPRIs) is a new category of observer, established at the NASCO Annual Meeting in 2024. Please check back to this page in future for the names of accredited IPRIs.

The following IPRIs have accredited observer status to NASCO:

Non-Governmental Organizations

There are currently 35 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) accredited as observers to NASCO. In view of the new Terms and Conditions this list may change. The NGOs are represented by two Co-Chairs. The current Co-Chairs of NASCO’s accredited NGOs are:

  • Nils Olav Gjone (Norske Lakseelver); and
  • Steve Sutton (Atlantic Salmon Federation, Canada).

The following NGOs have accredited observer status to NASCO:

Angling Council of Ireland
The Angling Trust
Atlantic Salmon Federation, Canada
Atlantic Salmon Federation, USA
Atlantic Salmon Trust
Coalition Clean Baltic
Connecticut River Salmon Association
Conservatoire National du Saumon Sauvage
Défense des Milieux Aquatiques
Der Atlantische Lachs
Downeast Salmon Federation
European Anglers Alliance
Faroes Sportsfishing Association
Federation of Irish Salmon and Sea-Trout Anglers
Fédération Québécoise pour le Saumon Atlantique
Fisheries Management Scotland
Foundation for the Conservation of Atlantic Salmon
Foyle Association of Salmon and Trout Anglers
Institute of Fisheries Management
Irish Seal Sanctuary
Marine and Environmental Law Institute
Maritime Aboriginal Peoples Council
Norges Jeger og Fiskerforbund (Norwegian Association of Hunters and Anglers)
Norske Lakseelver (Norwegian Salmon Rivers)
North Atlantic Salmon Fund Iceland
North Atlantic Salmon Fund US
Rivers Trust
Salmon and Sea Trout Recreational Anglers of Ireland (SSTRAI)
South West Rivers Association
Salmon Watch Ireland

Sámi Parlamenta (Finland)

Scottish Anglers National Association
Ulster Angling Federation Limited
WildFish Scotland