North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization | est 1984

Council Documents

Doc Number Document
CNL(04)01 Provisional Agenda
CNL(04)01F Provisional Agenda French
CNL(04)02 Explanatory Memorandum on the Agenda
CNL(04)03 Draft Agenda
CNL(04)04 Draft Schedule of Meetings
CNL(04)05 Not issued
CNL(04)06 Secretary’s Report
CNL(04)07 Report of the Finance and Administration Committee
CNL(04)08 Report on the Activities of the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization in 2003
CNL(04)10 Catch Statistics - Returns by the Parties
CNL(04)11 Historical Catch Record 1960-2003
CNL(04)12 Report of the Third Meeting of the International Atlantic Salmon Research Board
CNL(04)13 Request for Scientific Advice from ICES
CNL(04)15 Report on Progress with Application of the Decision Structure for Management of North Atlantic Salmon Fisheries
CNL(04)16 Reports on Progress with Development and Implementation of Habitat Protection and Restoration Plans
CNL(04)17 Report on Progress with the Development of a Database of Salmon Rivers
CNL(04)20 Liaison with the Salmon Farming Industry
CNL(04)21 Unreported Catches - Returns by the Parties
CNL(04)22 Report of the Working Group on Stock Rebuilding Programmes
CNL(04)23 Report on Decision Structure for Incorporating Social and Economic Factors into Management Decisions
CNL(04)24 Future Actions in Relation to Application of the Precautionary Approach
CNL(04)25 Predator-Related Mortality
CNL(04)26 St Pierre and Miquelon Salmon Fishery
CNL(04)27 Summary of Council Decisions (Revised Version)
CNL(04)28 Draft Report of the Twenty-First Annual Meeting of the Council
CNL(04)29 Return of Information by EU (Spain)
CNL(04)30 Application for NGO Status to NASCO by WWF (France)
CNL(04)31 Predator-Related Mortality (tabled by the United States)
CNL(04)32 A New Regulation for the Protection of Wild Atlantic Salmon (a paper presented by Iceland)
CNL(04)33 Report of the Russian Federation on Application of the Decision Structure for Management of Salmon Fisheries
CNL(04)34 Russian Studies of Distribution and By-Catch of Atlantic Salmon Post-Smolts in the Norwegian Sea in 2003
CNL(04)35 NASCO - The Past, Present and Future (tabled by the United States)
CNL(04)36 Decision Structure to Aid Implementing the Precautionary Approach to Management of North Atlantic Salmon Fisheries – UK (England and Wales)
CNL(04)37 Proposal for a Workshop to Assess Current and Developing Methods for Marking Farmed Atlantic Salmon (tabled by the European Union)
CNL(04)38 NASCO Atlantic Salmon Rivers Database Project Clarification of Potential Uses and Recommendations for Next Steps
CNL(04)39 Template for Bioeconomic Modelling and Pilot Project (tabled by the United States)
CNL(04)41 NASCO Guidelines for Action on Transgenic Salmonids
CNL(04)42 Progress with the Development and Implementation of Habitat Protection and Restoration Plans (tabled by the European Union)
CNL(04)43 The Role of NASCO in Developing a Bioeconomic Model and a Proposal for a Pilot Project (tabled by the United States)
CNL(04)44 Tagging of post-smolts north of the Faroes in 2003
CNL(04)45 Sampling of Post-smolts and Pre-adults of Atlantic Salmon in 2003. Report from Norway (tabled by Norway)
CNL(04)46 Draft Press Release
CNL(04)47 Terms of Reference - Working Group on Next Steps for NASCO
CNL(04)48 Council Agenda Item 9 The Future of NASCO - NGO Comments on Proposal from the Parties
CNL(04)49 Press Release
CNL(04)50 Report of the Twenty-First Annual Meeting of the Council
CNL(04)51 Agenda
CNL(04)52 Decisions in Relation to the Staff Rules and to the Staff Fund Rules
CNL(04)54 Resolution by the Parties to Minimise Impacts from Aquaculture
CNL(04)55 NASCO Guidelines on the Use of Stock Rebuilding Programmes in the Context of the Precautionary Management of Salmon Stocks 2004
CNL(04)57 Guidelines for Incorporating Social and Economic Factors in Decisions under the Precautionary Approach 2004
CNL(04)58-69 Not issued
CNL(04)70 Joint Supplementary Statement on behalf of the NASCO NGOs
CNL(04)71 Statement by the Salmon Net Fishing Association of Scotland
CNL(04)72 NGO Questions at the Special Session on Homewater Fisheries

North-East Atlantic Commission

Doc Number Document
NEA(04)01 Provisional Agenda
NEA(04)02 Draft Agenda
NEA(04)02f Draft Agenda (French)
NEA(04)03 Report of a Workshop on Gyrodactylus salaris in the Commission Area
NEA(04)04 Election of Officers
NEA(24)05 Draft ‘Road Map’ for Taking Forward the Recommendations from the Workshop on Gyrodactylus salaris in the Commission Area
NEA(24)06 Draft Report
NEA(24)07 Draft Letter to the President of NEAFC Regarding By-catch
NEA(24)08 Letter to the President of NEAFC Regarding By-catch
NEA(24)09 Draft Decision Regarding the Salmon Fishery in Faroese Waters 2005
NEA(04)10 Decision Regarding the Salmon Fishery in Faroese Waters 2005
NEA(04)11 Agenda
NEA(04)12 Report of the Twenty-First Annual Meeting of the North-East Atlantic Commission
NEA(04)13 ‘Road Map’ for Taking Forward the Recommendations from the Workshop on Gyrodactylus salaris in the Commission Area

All Commissions

Doc Number Document
NAC(04)10 NEAC(04)12 WGC(04)8 Report of the Twenty-First Annual Meetings of the Commissions