Annual Progress Reports (APRs) provide a succinct, transparent, fair and balanced approach for reporting on the implementation of NASCO’s Resolutions, Agreements and Guidelines by the Parties / jurisdictions.
The Review Group met in Edinburgh during 17–21 April to evaluate the latest APRs and noted that several Parties / jurisdictions reported some interesting and useful developments and challenges in addressing NASCO’s Resolutions, Agreements and Guidelines. We will publish highlights from these APRs both here on our website and on the NASCO twitter feed in the coming weeks.
You can read the Report of the Meeting of the Implementation Plan / Annual Progress Report Review Group (CNL(23)22rev) here.
To learn more about APRs, consult the Implementation Plans and Annual Progress Reports page of our website. Documents relevant to the third reporting cycle, including the latest APRs, can be found on the Third Reporting Cycle page of our website.