The ICES Advice to NASCO is now available: CNL(23)08 Additionally, the 2023 ICES Working Group on North Atlantic Salmon Report is now published on the ICES website. Photo: Pekka Tuuri
We are delighted to report that on 16 March 2023, at the Salmon Summit in Iceland, the Minister of Food, Svandís Svavarsdóttir, announced that in 2023 Iceland will be taking...
Thanks to the Mark, Aidan and Polina from NPAFC for organising a fascinating (and sunny) excursion to learn about the salmon run on the Adams River, British Columbia. This trip...
The very powerful and exciting IYS Synthesis Symposium ‘Salmon in a Rapidly Changing World’ took place in October. Huge thanks to everyone involved, especially the Steering Committee. More information is...
There was a very interesting meeting of the Northern Hemisphere Pink Salmon Experts Group in Vancouver earlier in the month. Excellent interactions between Pacific and Atlantic scientists. Information from this...
The Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the West Greenland Commission concluded yesterday. The Commission agreed a new Multi-Annual Regulatory Measure for Fishing for Atlantic Salmon at West Greenland. Multi-Annual Regulatory Measure...
The Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Council of NASCO concluded today. The Council agreed to innovative actions to protect Atlantic salmon and the environment. The following documents have been agreed...
The International Year of the Salmon Synthesis Symposium will take place on 4-6 October 2022 in Vancouver, Canada. The call for abstracts is now open. The Organizing Committee looks forward...
We are calling for expressions of interest for the IYS ‘Salmon in a Rapidly Changing World’ Synthesis Symposium. Fill in the form to let us know that you would like...