North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization | est 1984

NASCO Workshop for North Atlantic Salmon At-Sea Mortality

Reductions in marine survival have been implicated as the primary reason for the North Atlantic pattern of declines in Atlantic salmon abundance over the past five decades. With the goal to improve the scientific assessments and advice for the conservation of wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the North Atlantic, ICES in consultation with the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation (NASCO) convened a series of workshops to explore how best to integrate available data on salmon for use in models to advance the conservation of wild salmon at sea.

The first workshop (WKSalmon) was held 24–28 June 2019 for the purpose of identifying data sources that could inform estimates of at-sea salmon mortality as well as ecosystem data including oceanographic time-series, plankton surveys, pelagic or demersal fish surveys that describe the marine ecosystem occupied by Atlantic salmon.

The Report of the Workshop was published today.

ICES. 2020. NASCO Workshop for North Atlantic Salmon At-Sea Mortality (WKSalmon, outputs from 2019 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports. 2:69. 175 pp.