North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization | est 1984

Council Documents

Doc Number Document
CNL(00)01 Provisional Agenda
CNL(00)01F Provisional Agenda (French)
CNL(00)02 Explanatory Memorandum on the Agenda
CNL(00)03 Draft Agenda
CNL(00)3F Draft Agenda (French)
CNL(00)04 Draft Schedule of Meetings
CNL(00)05 Election of Officers
CNL(00)06 Secretary's Report
CNL(00)07 Review of NASCOs Relationship with its Observer Organisations
CNL(00)08 Methods of Calculating the Contributions to NASCO
CNL(00)09 Report of the Finance and Administration Committee
CNL(00)10 Report on the Activities of the Organization in 1999
CNL(00)12 Report of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management
CNL(00)13 Draft Request for ICES Advice
CNL(00)14 Catch Statistics Returns by the Parties
CNL(00)15 Historical Catch Record 1960-1999
CNL(00)16 Review of International Salmon-Related Literature Published in 1999
CNL(00)17 Returns under Articles 14 and 15 of the Convention
CNL(00)18 Report of the Standing Committee on the Precautionary Approach - Application of a Precautionary Approach to Management of Salmon Fisheries
CNL(00)19 Unreported Catches
CNL(00)20 By-catch of Atlantic Salmon
CNL(00)21 Fishing for Salmon in International Waters by Non-Contracting Parties
CNL(00)22 Scientific Research Fishing in the Convention Area
CNL(00)23 Programme for the Special Liaison Meeting to Review Measures to Minimise Impacts of Aquaculture on Wild Stocks
CNL(00)25 Returns made under the Oslo Resolution
CNL(00)26 Report of the Liaison Meeting with the Salmon Farming Industry
CNL(00)27 Report of the Working Group to Develop Guidelines on Containment of Farmed Salmon
CNL(00)29 St Pierre et Miquelon Salmon Fisheries
CNL(00)30 Next Steps in Relation to Application of the Precautionary Approach
CNL(00)31 Dates and Places of 2001 and 2002 Meetings
CNL(00)32 Application for Non-Government Observer Status to NASCO by the World Wildlife Fund-US
CNL(00)33 Transgenic Atlantic Salmon
CNL(00)34 Calculation of NASCO Contributions - A paper presented by Iceland
CNL(00)35 Not issued
CNL(00)36 Summary of Council Decisions
CNL(00)37 Draft Report
CNL(00)38 Draft Press Release
CNL(00)39 Summary of Points Arising from the Special Session on Habitat Issues held in 1999 and the Possible Future Role of NASCO in relation to Habitat Issues
CNL(00)40 Preliminary Draft International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing Developed by The Expert Consultation on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing Sydney, Australia 15-19 May 2000 (Tabled by USA)
CNL(00)42 Agenda
CNL(00)43 Atlantic Salmon in the Sea - Draft Proposal to Establish an International Co-operative Research Programme (Tabled by Norway)
CNL(00)45 Review of Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries in England and Wales (Tabled by the European Union)
CNL(00)47 Draft Resolution by the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Conservation of Salmon in the North Atlantic Ocean Concerning St Pierre and Miquelon
CNL(00)48 Predators: Effects on Atlantic Salmon (Tabled by Canada)
CNL(00)49 Special Liaison Meeting to Review Measures to Minimise Impacts of Aquaculture on Wild Stocks Presentation by the European Union (Ireland)
CNL(00)50 Not issued
CNL(00)51 Special Liaison Meeting to Review Measures to Minimise Impacts of Aquaculture on Wild Stocks Presentation by the European Union
CNL(00)52 Special Liaison Meeting to Review Measures to Minimise Impacts of Aquaculture on Wild Stocks Presentation by the European Union (UK, Scotland)
CNL(00)53 2001 Budget, 2002 Forecast Budget and Schedule of Contributions
CNL(00)55 Possible Terms of Reference for the Standing Committee on the Precautionary Approach
CNL(00)56 Press Release
CNL(00)57 Report of the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Council
CNL(00)58 Terms of Reference for the Standing Committee on the Precautionary Approach - Application of a Precautionary Approach to Habitat Protection and Restoration
CNL(00)59 Resolution by the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Conservation of Salmon in the North Atlantic Ocean Concerning St Pierre and Miquelon
CNL(00)60 Request for Scientific Advice from ICES

North American Commission

Doc Number Document
NAC(00)01 Provisional Agenda
NAC(00)01F Provisional Agenda (French)
NAC(00)02 Draft Agenda
NAC(00)2F Draft Agenda (French)
NAC(00)03 Election of Officers
NAC(00)04 The St Pierre et Miquelon Salmon Fisheries
NAC(00)05 Draft Report
NAC(00)06 The Effects of Acid Rain on Atlantic Salmon of the Southern Upland of Nova Scotia (Tabled by Canada)
NAC(00)07 Presentation to the North American Commission by ICES
NAC(00)08 Report of Activities - 1999 / 2000 NAC Scientific Working Group on Salmonid Introductions and Transfers
NAC(00)09 Draft Resolution by the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Conservation of Salmon in the North Atlantic Ocean Concerning Atlantic Salmon Harvest Levels in St Pierre et Miquelon
NAC(00)10 Review of the Atlantic Salmon Management Measures for 2000 (Tabled by Canada)
NAC(00)12 Review of the Conservation Measures for Atlantic Salmon in the United States in 1999
NAC(00)13 Report of the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the North American Commission

West Greenland Commission

Doc Number Document
WGC(00)01 Provisional Agenda
WGC(00)01F Provisional Agenda (French)
WGC(00)02 Draft Agenda
WGC(00)02F Draft Agenda (French)
WGC(00)03 Election of Officers
WGC(00)04 Draft Report
WGC(00)05 ICES Presentation to WGC
WGC(00)06 Catches of MSW Salmon (Number of Fish) (Tabled by Denmark (in respect of the Faroe Islands and Greenland))
WGC(00)07 The 1999 Fishery in West Greenland
WGC(00)08 Exploitation of Salmon in the United Kingdom and Ireland (Tabled by the European Union)
WGC(00)09 Chairman’s Draft Resolution Regarding the Fishing of Salmon at West Greenland
WGC(00)10 Report of the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the West Greenland Commission
WGC(00)11 Agenda
WGC(00)12 Resolution Regarding the Fishing of Salmon at West Greenland