North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization | est 1984

Council Documents

Doc Number Document
CNL(17)1 Provisional Agenda
CNL(17)1F Provisional Agenda (French)
CNL(17)2 Draft Agenda
CNL(17)2F Draft Agenda (French)
CNL(17)3 Explanatory Memorandum on the Draft Agenda
CNL(17)4 Draft Schedule of Meetings
CNL(17)5 Report of the Finance and Administration Committee
CNL(17)6 Secretary’s Report
CNL(17)7 Report on the Activities of the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization in 2016
CNL(17)8 Report of the ICES Advisory Committee (ACOM)
CNL(17)9 Report of the Sixteenth Meeting of the International Atlantic Salmon Research Board
CNL(17)10 Request for Scientific Advice from ICES
CNL(17)11 Programme for the Theme-Based Special Session: Understanding the Risks and Benefits of Hatchery and Stocking Activities to Wild Atlantic Salmon Populations
CNL(17)12 Update on the work of the International Year of the Salmon Committees and IYS planning (Revised 31 May 2017)
CNL(17)13 Programme for the Special Session: Salmon and People in a Changing World – Planning for the International Year of the Salmon
CNL(17)14 Report of the Meeting of the Implementation Plan/Annual Progress Report Review Group
CNL(17)15 Summary of Annual Progress Reports under the 2013 – 2018 Implementation Plans
CNL(17)16 Report on Progress in Implementing the ‘Action Plan for taking forward the recommendations of the External Performance Review and the review of the ‘Next Steps’ for NASCO’, CNL(13)38
CNL(17)17 Management and Sampling of the St Pierre and Miquelon Salmon Fishery
CNL(17)18 Summary of Council Decisions
CNL(17)19 Proposal for a symposium on Atlantic salmon in conjunction with the 2019 (Thirty-Sixth) Annual Meeting of NASCO: Managing the Atlantic salmon in a rapidly changing environment – management challenges and possible responses (Tabled by Norway)
CNL(17)20 Written responses from the Parties/jurisdictions to the questions raised by the Implementation Plan/Annual Progress Report Review Group
CNL(17)21 Annual Progress Report: European Union – Sweden
CNL(17)22 Annual Progress Report: United States
CNL(17)23 Annual Progress Report: Russian Federation
CNL(17)24 Annual Progress Report: Denmark (in respect of the Faroe Islands and Greenland) - Faroe Islands
CNL(17)25 Annual Progress Report: Norway
CNL(17)26 Annual Progress Report: Canada
CNL(17)27 Annual Progress Report: European Union – Spain (Asturias)
CNL(17)28 Annual Progress Report: European Union – Spain (Galicia)
CNL(17)29 Annual Progress Report: European Union – Spain (Navarra)
CNL(17)30 Annual Progress Report: European Union – France (Revised)
CNL(17)31 Annual Progress Report: European Union – UK (England and Wales) (Revised)
CNL(17)32 Annual Progress Report: European Union – UK (Scotland) (Revised 2 May)
CNL(17)33 Annual Progress Report: European Union – Denmark
CNL(17)34 Annual Progress Report: European Union – UK (Northern Ireland)
CNL(17)35 Annual Progress Report: European Union – Germany
CNL(17)36 Annual Progress Report: European Union – Spain (Cantabria)
CNL(17)37 Annual Progress Report: European Union – Ireland
CNL(17)38 Annual Progress Report: European Union – Finland
CNL(17)39 Annual Progress Report: Denmark (in respect of the Faroe Islands and Greenland) - Greenland
CNL(17)40 Approaches to minimising unintended negative consequences to wild Atlantic salmon populations from hatchery and stocking activities
CNL(17)41 Risks and benefits to wild Atlantic salmon populations from hatchery and stocking activities with particular emphasis on smolt to adult captive-reared supplementation
CNL(17)42 Lessons from the International Year of the Reef
CNL(17)43 Approaches used to prevent the loss of Atlantic salmon populations at high risk of extinction including gene banks, adult captive rearing, smolt-to adult supplementation – Gene banking of wild Atlantic salmonids in Norway
CNL(17)44 The policy relating to hatchery and stocking activities in Norway - managing risks and benefits
CNL(17)45 World Fish Migration Day - strategic partnerships and the role of governments
CNL(17)46 The policy relating to hatchery and stocking activities in Wales – managing risks and benefits
CNL(17)47 The policy relating to hatchery and stocking activities in France – managing risks and benefits
CNL(17)48 Policies and Regulatory Framework for Stocking Activities of Atlantic Salmon in Canada
CNL(17)49 Agenda
CNL(17)50 International Salmon Farmers' Association (ISFA) Report to NASCO 2017
CNL(17)51 2018 Budget and 2019 Forecast Budget
CNL(17)52 Draft Report of the Thirty-Fourth Annual meeting of Council
CNL(17)53 Summary of the discussions during the Special Session on the evaluation of Implementation Plans and Annual Progress Reports
CNL(17)54 Draft Press Release
CNL(17)55 Presentation of the ICES Advice to the Council
CNL(17)56 Statement from Canada relating to transgenic salmon
CNL(17)57 Not issued
CNL(17)58 Press Release North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO) Thirty-Forth Annual Meeting, Varberg, Sweden 6 - 9 June 2017
CNL(17)59 Report of the Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Council
CNL(17)60 Statement by Dr Emma Hatfield
CNL(17)61 Report of a Theme-based Special Session of the Council
CNL(17)62 The NGO perspective on the International Year of the Salmon
CNL(17)63 NASCO Implementation Plan for the period 2013-18 - EU - UK (Northern Ireland) (Updated December 2017)